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The Great Animated GIF Series: The Physics of Juggling and Moogling Mahem- Free Lesson

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In this crazy animation you're actually learning about the physics of juggling on the earth and moon as well as solar energy. Can you point out what they are?

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Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) - PS2A Forces & Motion

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How Is Electricity from Solar Energy Produced?

Solar panels are usually made from silicon, or another semiconductor material installed in a metal panel frame with a glass casing. When this material is exposed to photons of sunlight (very small packets of energy) it releases electrons and produces an electric charge.

The movement of electrons, each carrying a negative charge, toward the front surface of the solar photovoltaic cell creates an imbalance of electrical charge between the cell's front and back surfaces. This imbalance, in turn, creates a voltage potential like the negative and positive terminals of a battery. Electrical conductors on the cell absorb the electrons. When the conductors are connected in an electrical circuit to an external load, such as a battery, electricity flows through the circuit.

To make long-term presence on the Moon viable, you need abundant electrical power. Power systems on the Moon can be directly created from materials that exist everywhere on the surface, without special substances brought from Earth. Blue Origin has pioneered the technology and demonstrated all the steps. Their approach, Blue Alchemist, can scale indefinitely, eliminating power as a constraint anywhere on the Moon in an attempt to produce low cost, efficient solar cells.

The Physics of Juggling and Moogling

Juggling involves a number of physics concepts, including parabolic arcs, air resistance, gravity, speed, velocity, and acceleration. You can see the center of gravity by using clubs and other comparable implements. While jugglers frequently rely on instinct to guide them in deciding how far and how hard to toss a prop, the physics actually govern what works and what doesn't. 

Gravity is the most significant force for jugglers. Juggling would be impossible without gravity. The juggler would lose all of his props after he threw them, in addition to floating lifelessly in the chilly vacuum of space without gravity (though that would help drive him in the opposite direction). Gravity allows for juggling but also places restrictions on what jugglers may do.

Gravitational acceleration on earth is 9.8 m/s, or 9.8 meters per second per second, for an object whereas on the moon it is 1.62 m/s, or 1.62 meters per second. As long as we ignore the effects of air resistance on earth, this means that when you drop an object, its speed will increase by 9.8 meters per second for each second it falls. Gravity acts as a downward acceleration force as soon as a prop is thrown into the air. The only way a juggler may slow down a pattern is by changing the height of his throws because the acceleration of gravity is constant. However, if the distance is raised, even slight variances in throws can create more mistakes, making higher tosses challenging. To put it another way, shorter tosses are quicker but more precise, but longer tosses offer a juggler more time to maneuver.

The weight of your props is also crucial. To maintain a smooth, controllable pattern, props of same mass can be hurled with equal force. If you're juggling objects with varying masses, like an apple, a club, and a bowling ball, you'll need to modify the force of each throw to keep your throws at the proper height. This is due to the fact that heavier things have more inertia and are more challenging to accelerate.

A juggler also needs to be cognizant of the center of gravity while using props like clubs. The point of average mass distribution for an object is known as its center of gravity. Additionally, it is where an object will spin. In most club throws, at least one complete rotation is included. Once a juggler has had some practice, learning how much force to employ when tossing and rotating a club becomes second nature.

Props that are thrown follow a route known as a parabola, which means that acceleration acts in a vertical direction while maintaining constant horizontal velocity. Gravity's downward dragging force is the accelerative force. Even though thrown objects often have a horizontal velocity (unless they are thrown directly into the air), the velocity is constant, hence there is no force operating in a horizontal direction. The path is not a true parabola when air resistance is taken into account. Even yet, unless you're juggling in a cyclone, air resistance on earth is typically insignificant when taking into account the comparatively small distances involved in tosses.
