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STEAM'N Lesson Plans - Discovery Based Education and Lesson Plan Marketplace
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Welcome to our new discovery based educational platform we call STEAM'N.

Our interest is to promote synergy between Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Art, and Health Educators who are best positioned to inspire children to achieve a healthy education while placing them on a more productive path to become scientists, technologist, engineers, mathematicians, and artists. We believe that health and education outcomes are inter-dependent and that students are best served by community champions who step-up to the challenge to help us overcome persistent poverty and childhood obesity.

Within our evolving information age, it's important to have a ground base of creative origination and education planning from the human. Extensions in mathematics such as the algorithm and A.I. have brought us amazing innovations and advances in fields including banking and financial markets, education, supply chains, manufacturing, e-commerce, and healthcare. Interpersonal exchanging of lesson plans from diverse contributors from around the world allow for a collection of different perspectives that can be experienced on this site, one contributor at a time.

New! Introducing Cash-Me-Out ContributorTM

Get paid for lesson plans you contribute and that sell in the online marketplace. View and track stats and reports in the dashboard.

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Contributing to Educational Initiatives Has Never Been Easier
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